Welcome to Auckland Felters – a friendly group, united by our love of turning fluffy wool fibre into handmade felt.
Southern Hemisphere Felters Convergence
Auckland Felters are super-proud and excited to be hosting the Southern Hemisphere Felters Convergence in September 2025, check out the Convergence tab for more information and to sign up to receive Convergence updates.
Come Meet Us…
Click here for more information about our recent exhibition
More images of our work may be found under the “members gallery” tab.
Gemma – Group leader
Gemma had her first taste of felting from a demo at Woolfest a few years ago and was converted. Known for making bowls, she is always keen to learn new techniques and one day hopes to make a garment that actually fits!
Christine – Co-Treasurer
Christine’s grandmother taught her how to spin & use natural dyes. Her interest in fibre arts really blossomed when she discovered felting in 2009. Since then felting has been her passion. She has been fortunate to learn from several top international & NZ feltmakers whose knowledge & techniques continue to shape her work.
Jenny – Retreat Organiser & Co-Treasurer
I got into felt after watching Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall make felt on River Cottage, I had sheep in the paddock with no purpose for their wool. Wainui craft group taught me how to make felt, then I joined Auckland Fun Felters back in 2015. I love making felt, it is an amazing useful and creative art form where my lack of artistic skills does not block the outcome.
Daniel & Ange – Demonstrators Extraordinaire!
Ange works as sustainably as possible. Sourcing fleece from lifestyle blocks where sheep are kept to keep the grass down but the wool is not needed. She then uses this with commercial wool when needed. Her passions are clothing, hats, bags, and flowers. You can find her at Angie.S. Handmade Designs.
Clare – Librarian
Teri – Web Admin
Teri has been wet felting for over 15 years and teaching felt-making for more than 10 years. Her passion and joy is 3D felted forms, puzzling out how to turn flat resist shapes into complex 3D designs. She supplies wool fibre and felting tools through Teri Berry Fibres, please contact her for order enquires.
Sarah – Designer
Sarah Ritchie is a fibre artist. She specialises in creating framed, needle-felted artwork using wool, bamboo and silk. Her creations showcase her passion for texture, colour, and the unique properties of these materials.
Margaret J
I’m new to felting and spinning, but AF have been so helpful, encouraging, and generous with their talents, I’m overjoyed to keep learning about the different kinds of wool and how it behaves and what magic you can do with it! My most recent work has been blending wool and other fibres on an Ashford blending board.
Lynn has a background in various crafts and came into felting about 15 years ago.
She enjoys all aspects of felting from making her own garments and styling accessories as well as artistic pieces.
This could be you!
Auckland Felters are part of Creative Fibre Auckland and Creative Fibre, a national body promoting all forms of fibre crafts and textile arts in New Zealand.