With A Little Help From Our Friends (You!)…

We have been blown away by the number of felters who have already signed up to receive updates about the 2025 Felters’ convergence – we only set up the form a month ago and our numbers have already swelled to over 80 with more joining every week! Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm, we are relieved to see you are as super-excited as we are! 🙂

We will be sending updates as and when there is any news to share so please don’t be surprised if you don’t hear anything for a month or two, there is lots going on behind the scenes but not much of it is newsworthy 🙂

Based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback after the 2015 convergence, we have booked The Parnell Hotel and Conference rooms again and we’re in the process of booking the hall and some tech rooms at the school just over the road too. Our plan is to use The Parnell for meals, tea breaks and any dry activities while the school rooms will be used for wet activities.

We have negotiated special rates with The Parnell, the code to access these rates will be provided following your registration for the Convergence.

The Parnell is located in a trendy suburb of Auckland, with lots of restaurants and galleries nearby and is a short bus ride to Auckland Central Business District (CBD). It also has excellent transport links to Auckland airport and plenty of parking for anyone wishing to drive to Convergence.

This is your Convergence too!

we would love to receive your input – there are 3 topics we would like your thoughts on please:

Is there a topic or technique* you have always wanted to learn but never had the opportunity to? Or a tutor whose work you’ve admired but never been able to take a class with, perhaps because they live in a different country?

*this doesn’t necessarily need to be a felting technique, it could be any felting-related skill or project.

We currently have 3 offers from volunteer tutors to demonstrate or share a specific technique but we would love to hear from anyone else who is willing to share their knowledge. Please don’t feel limited to felting topics, sharing of felting-affiliated skillsets would also be welcomed. We anticipate these sessions will last less than an hour.

Do you have a fun idea for an ice-breaker event? One of the many joys of Convergence is getting to make new felting friends. We would like to organise a felting related activity for small groups to work on together as an ice-breaker. This might be a task that will just take a couple of hours or it could be something suitable to keep working on over 4 days…

Answers on a postcard contact form, in the comments on this post or by return email please! We may not be able to accommodate all requests and suggestions but if you don’t ask…..

Please let us know your thoughts on topic 1 before the end of March, the other 2 topics are less urgent.

Many thanks from your Convergence 2025 Team: Christine Roxburgh, Jenny Forrester, Teri Berry and Auckland Fun Felters!

PS apologies for accidentally sending a previous blog post earlier today, I pressed the wrong button when setting up this email. Teri






One response to “With A Little Help From Our Friends (You!)…”

  1. Teri Berry Avatar
    Teri Berry

    Looking for where to sign up to receive email updates? Please complete the form in the middle of this page: https://aucklandfelters.org.nz/convergence/

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