Registration is open!

We’re delighted to let you know that Convergence 2025 registration is now OPEN!

The registration form is available here.

Please register now to confirm your place.

There are free text boxes at the end to provide any extra information you think we might need, or to ask questions.

After your form has been submitted you will receive an invoice from Auckland Felters (please contact us if you do not receive this within two weeks).

We can’t wait to see you at the Convergence!

Please take a look at our previous blog posts for more information about our confirmed tutors and what they will be teaching (more volunteer tutors and topics will be added to the program as we get closer).






6 responses to “Registration is open!”

  1. Elizabeth Boyce Avatar
    Elizabeth Boyce

    Hi—- I just registered but didn’t write down the discount codes for the hotels—- how can I find them so I can book? Thanks

    1. Teri Berry Avatar
      Teri Berry

      Hi Elizabeth, thank you for pointing this out, please see the section from the registration form pasted below:

      Accommodation is not included in the Convergence registration fee.

      The Parnell Hotel and Conference Centre (where Convergence is being held) have reserved a selection of rooms for us at a discounted rate. To obtain the discount please quote reference 61894.

      The Auckland Rose Park Hotel (600m away) have also offered us a discount, please quote reference 73525 when booking.

      More information about The Parnell and Rose Park Hotel can be found here. Clicking on the links will open new windows, don’t worry, your form will still be here!

      We also have a Convergence Facebook page where you can ask for room buddies or find people to share a taxi from the airport.

  2. Beverley Belcher Avatar
    Beverley Belcher

    Will there be an opportunity to attend individual classes at specific costs rather than an overall fee?

    1. Teri Berry Avatar
      Teri Berry

      Hi Beverley, thank you for your question.
      As with previous Felters Convergences, Felt Connect will be a 4 day program of related topics. I’m afraid it isn’t possible to break the program into individual sessions.

  3. Rie NATALENKO Avatar

    If it starts with a dinner on Thursday and ends with one on Monday, which is NOT included in the 4 dinners?

    1. Teri Berry Avatar
      Teri Berry

      Hi Rie, you are correct, you will get one afternoon and evening free to explore Auckland (or beyond). We are still finalising the timetable but the afternoon / evening off is likely to be Saturday (or possibly Friday).

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